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Serendipity Update auf 0.8.5 sowie 0.9 Beta 1

Wie der S9Y Blog berichtet gibt es ein Update von Serendipity auf 0.8.5. Es besteht nämlich die prinzipielle Möglichkeit, den Admin von seinem eigenen Blog auszusperren. Dies aber „nur“ bei böswilligen Hackern.
Die zweite, erfreulichere, Nachricht ist, dass die erste Beta von Serendipity 0.9 zum Download bereitsteht. Ich nutze selbst 0.9 Alpha seit einiger Zeit und bin sehr zufrieden mit dessen Stabilität. Der kleine Versionssprung um 0.1 Punkte bietet auch zahlreiche Features, die da wären (ich habe mir erlaubt diese vom Blog nochmals hierher zu kopieren):
  • Flexible usergroup management. Authors can now be grouped inside usergroups
    and can have certain privileges (edit entries, upload images, maintain plugins,
    …). An author can be a member of more than one groups, inheriting all
    privileges of each group he is a member of. You can also now adjust read/write
    permissions for each category.
  • Custom Permalink support. Allows to configure the URL path structure from
    all important permalinks to suit your needs – you can now use
    /oldEntries/2005/10/28/Garvins-Birthday.html as entry permalink format or any
    other structure you may like.
  • UTF-8 support for all languages and bundled/additional plugins. Be sure to
    read http://www.s9y.org/index.php?node=46 for migrating an non-UTF-8 blog to
  • Improved performance of Plugin API, introduce validation of config items
    within the API
  • Improved Spartacus Online Repository. Less memory usage, now also fetch
    templates over the web, plugin groups and better integration with the plugin
  • Better usability: Multiple fileupload at once, media manager remembers last
    used settings, when deleting entries/comments you return to the overview
    immediately, foundation to support other WYSIWYG editors via plugin (TinyMCE,
    Xinha, FCKEditor)
  • Atom 1.0 Feed support
  • Improved MoveableType import, recognizing comments and trackbacks
  • Support of MySQL boolean fulltext search
  • More smarty templating options: Added new CSS classes in the default
    template to support styling trackback/comment/commentform/search-results easier.
    Localized „Reply“ string. Optimized performance of accessing constants.
  • Support frontend viewing of multiple selected categories and allowing the
    entryproperties plugin to hide certain entries from the frontpage.
  • Support Gregorian/Jalali calendar
  • New translations: Swedish, Hungarian, European Portuguese
  • Bugfix: Category selector will now act correctly in Konqueror and Opera
  • Bugfix: Importers can now import from tables that are not inside the same
    database as Serendipity

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