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Aviglyph 1

tExas bietet der von Randal ‚Ranman‘ Bates aufgelassenen Seite (mit seinem Einverständnis) einen neuen Platz.

by Randal ‚Ranman‘ Bates

Hieroglyphicadj, Written in, constituting, or belonging to a system of writing mainly in pictorial characters.

Hello and welcome to the Avigo-Glyph page. This DEMO application is introduced here simply to explore the concept of Avigo-based handwriting recognition. The concept put forth here is by no means a finalized product. It should be viewed, instead, as a ‚first attempt‘.

The application used in this demo simply allows for experimentation with the ‚Glyph-Grid‘. It, for example, does not provide for saving or loading text. In fact, the ONLY thing you can do with this application is write text. Please use it, beat it up, laugh at it, and compose suggestions for improvement – if you feel it is a valid direction at all.

Please address all complaints, suggestions and/or ridicule to Ranman at: ranman59@rocketmail.com.

(in a nut shell)

This system of glyph translation is based upon a 9 x 9 grid – the Glyph-Grid upon which all glyphs are drawn. The translation combines (a) the cell in which the ‚pen down‘ event took place, (b) the cell in which the ‚pen up‘ event took place and (c) the cells traveresed between the two to arrive at the initial translation. (Note: By playing around with different strokes, shorthand glyphs for some characters may be discovered.)

One other piece of information that the translator uses is the ’shift‘ state (Shift, Caps, Numeric, Special or None). The shift state is indicated as a block character to the right of the right-edge of the Glyph-Grid and would be one of the following:

Special Char. The following glyph will come from the ‚Special Character‘ list.
Caps Lock. All subsequent glyphs are translated in CAPS mode.
Shift. The NEXT glyph will be translated in CAPS mode.
Numeric or Num-Lock mode. In the case of Numeric mode, the NEXT glyph will
be translated as a NUMERIC. In Num-Lock mode ALL subsequent stokes are translated as NUMERIC.

Tha absence of one of the above indicates that the translator is in NORMAL (lower-case) mode.

By employing this scheme the translater uses the same grid for both alpha AND numeric glyphs, unlike some other H.W.R. products. It is also, however, a bit more strict as to the formation of the character strokes, harkening back to the early days of child-hood when we first learned about handwriting. ;o)

Class; Remember to make your capital letters reach above the center line and watch your spacing!

In the tables that follow, the keys below are used to help describe the process of drawing each glyph.

This is the ‚pen down‘ starting point of a glyph.
This is the ‚pen up‘ ending point of a glyph.
This is a ‚tap‘ glyph.

Below are the glyphs used to transition between the various shift states. With the exception of the Special Char glyph, each performs pretty much the same as it’s ‚physical keyboard‘ counterpart. The Special Char stroke (TAP, really) is an introducer which modifies the translation of only the NEXT glyph.

Toggle SHIFT mode (or cancel CAPS mode), affecting only the next glyph.
Toggle CAPS mode, affecting all subsequent glyphs.
Toggle NUMERIC mode (or cancel NUM-LOCK mode), affecting only the next glyph.
Toggle NUM-LOCK mode, affecting all subsequent glyphs.
Enter SPECIAL-CHAR mode, affecting only the next glyph.


A a B b C c D d E e F f
G g H h I i J j K k L l
M m N n O o P p Q q R r
S s T t U u V v W w X x
Y y Z z


0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9


period comma apost. "
colon semi-: @ #
under dash = ~
( ) < >
^ & ? /
+ Space Back space New Line


{ } [ ] % \ ! *


Ein Kommentar

  1. tExas bietet der von Randal ‚Ranman‘ Bates aufgelassenen Seite (mit seinem Einverständnis) einen neuen Platz.

    by Randal ‚Ranman‘ Bates

    Hieroglyphic – adj, Written in, constituting, or belonging to a system of writing
    mainly in pictorial char

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